Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tool # 2

Natural sequence nowdays for kids to build knowledge
1. "My mommy and daddy told me ______________Therefore, _______________ is true"

2. "My teacher told me _______________ Therefore, ________________ is true"

3. " I found ______________ at Google, Therefore, ______________ is true"

I agree on the importance of building a PLN; as educators either we use them or not, we like them or not , our students are networking, creating knowledge that make sense to them and having access to an unlimited number or sources and people.
My ideal role as an educator would to be Tech facilitator, so the students can analyze resources with a critical eye, they would learn there are trusted and not so ethic sources and make distinctions between the two.


Melanie said...

So true that today learning it on Google "makes" it "true"--I've even been caught with that arguement on health issues. The doctors issue loud sighs and redirect my quest for answers to proven studies.

There is an awesome program at U of Houston called Intructional Technology...might be calling your name to get your Masters! My student teacher is part of the program. It is very flexible.

tech gal with a tech goal said...

Really? sounds like something interesting to do, let's see what else I get to learn down the road. thanks for sharing.

Kay said...

I agree that as a specialist on our campus that your ability to connect technology to your discipline is a must. Our kids are hungry for this type of technology and your direction is exactly what we need. I believe we are redefining the role of todays educator. How exciting to be a part of this.